This panel is the gateway to PubMed-available publications we collect around subsets (we explain how below, see 'collection' tab for full list).
Email us if you believe we can do more and better, e.g. if we're missing anything.
how we collect
1. We query PubMed with:
("2002"[Date - Publication] : "3000"[Date - Publication]) AND (cll OR "chronic lymphocytic leukemia" OR "chronic lymphocytic leukaemia"[Title/Abstract]) AND (subset* AND stereotyp*[Title/Abstract])
2. We have a list of our 'core' subset publications, with which we query PubMed to gather publications that cite them.
3. We add and remove publications based on expert manual curation.
= queried + core + citing +/- manually added/removed
how we analyse
1. Currently, we mine subset mentions in titles, abstracts, and full texts where available. We also include some context, although this might not be enough - we'll improve on that.
DESCRIPTION: subset mentions in titles, abstracts, and full text where available, with some context included
DISCLAIMER: work-in-progress so there might be false positives/negatives and other (known) issues ; read the full publication if it catches your eye ; send feedback ('#' column is a unique row ID, helpful to communicate specific issues)
NOTE: only sentences with subsets shown, plus context
NOTE: subset colours are consistent across site
NOTE: in sentence #s: 't'=title, 'a'=abstract, 'f'=full text
TIP: find all analysed publications in 'collection'
TIP: click PMID to go to PubMed